Prerequisite Challenges

We enforce prerequisites in our department. If you have prior experience and would like to get a prerequisite waived, follow the instructions below.

To waive VMD 105, Digital Skills for Visual Media

Contact Colin Hall at to take the VMD 105 Equivalency Test. The test is administered online and requires access to the internet but not to the Adobe software suite. Allow two hours to take the test. You can take the test twice; if you fail the second time you must either wait until the following semester to retake the test or sign up for VMD 105.

To waive a design course

You must contact the instructor of the course you want to register for and show proof of equivalent knowledge. This is usually done by meeting with the instructor and showing previous work as well as transcripts. If the instructor accepts you into the class, the instructor can then submit the required paperwork to allow you to register for the class.

To waive a beginning digital skills course

You must contact the instructor of the course you want to register for and show proof of your understanding of the equivalent information that is presented in the course you wish to waive. This is usually done by showing digital files to the instructor, demonstrating your technical expertise. If the instructor accepts you into the class, the instructor can then submit the required paperwork to allow you to register for the class.

Digital classes taken in other departments cannot be used to waive beginning digital classes in our department without following the above procedure. Noncredit computer classes cannot be used to waive credit computer classes.