Valuable Resources During Curriculum Development

Not sure what to write in your outline?

See the Outlines and Addenda page and the Curriculum Handbook.

  • TIP Shoot for 3-5 outcomes.
  • TIP - Include content section details in the assignment section, and blend SLO phrasing into the evaluation descriptions.  Use the crib notes!

Program Documents

Please also remember that programs require supplemental documents, such as a narrative.  CTE programs also require labor market info and advisory minutes. Note that CTE modification do not require newly produced LMI by the Centers of Excellence; please create your own. There is a place in CurrIQunet to upload that documentation. Please upload narratives as Word Docs, not PDFs, in case editing is needed.

Please see the Supplemental Docs page and the Supplemental Docs Guide for detailed help, including sample documents, program narrative and advisory meeting minutes templates, and links for gathering LMI.

Remember, course and program aggregate reports must be launched within the 18 months prior to outline submission.  These assessment reports should inform outline revision, so allow time for reflection and conversation. And see the beautiful CurrIQunet assessment guides!  

The Course SLO Assessment Planner can help build up for aggregate reporting and reflection, expected as part of the outline modification process, and it can also help you avoid turning in curricula at the very end of a six-year cycle.

Reach Out

Besides helping with assessment, including aggregate reporting required for curriculum updates, the SLO Coordinators also help with outcomes writing, revising, and mapping, as well as looking at how well SLOs resonate in course and program outlines. See the SLO Support page.

Please communicate with Curriculum Committee members, especially your assigned tech reviewer!

Curriculum Chair, Craig Kleinman