About the Foundation Promise
San Francisco's Free City and the State's California Promise programs are a wonderful start at delivering a great secondary education to all Californians by making community college tuition-free. But free tuition is only a part of the cost of attending college. There's the high cost of rent, food, and transportation. Not to mention books or medical expenses. Enter the Foundation Promise Scholarship.
The Foundation Promise Program partners with the very successful Metro Transfer Program.
Metro Transfer Program (Metro) helps students stay on track at CCSF and finish their transfer requirements. Students receive academic counseling, access to a student resource room, tutoring, peer mentoring, and a grounding in social justice while developing strong academic skills. Metro students also receive priority registration.
Program Highlights
- Awards a $10,000 merit scholarship
- Enrolls students as a cohort for 2 years (3 years maximum for STEM majors) beginning in each Fall
- Guarantees registration in required transfer courses
- Promotes transfer to 4-year colleges and universities
Minimum Requirements
To be eligible, students must:
- Graduate from a San Francisco high school (public or private) in Spring 2025
- Possess a 2.75 cumulative, unweighted high school GPA (end of Fall 2024)
- Be transfer-bound
- Enroll as part of a Metro Transfer Program cohort and complete within 2 years (3 years for STEM majors)
- Maintain a 2.75 GPA at CCSF
Application Process
The Fall 2025 application deadline is Friday, May 9, 2025. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must apply and enroll in the Metro Transfer Program. Eligible candidates who enroll in Metro will be contacted in Mid-May and will be required to participate in a scholarship information session. Please check your email frequently for updates.
For each spring, we automatically consider students who apply for the Metro Transfer Program will be a candidate for a Foundation Promise scholarship if he/she meets the minimum requirements.
To learn more about and to apply for admission into the Metro Transfer Program, please visit the Metro Transfer Program website.
Priority will be given to first-generation college students and foster youth.