Proving Support and a Safe Environment for Undocumented Students

City DREAM is a resource center for undocumented students, students from mixed status families (family members have different immigration status), and all students affected by immigration or citizenship issues. City DREAM will continue to grow as a welcoming and dedicated student hub to ensure the success of our undocumented students.
City DREAM defines undocumented as anyone with no immigration status, someone with a pending immigration status or with a temporary status like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
About City DREAM
City DREAM is a product of the hard work and dedication of previous generations of undocumented youth activists at City College. The creation of a safe space for students on campus, regardless of immigration status, began with the founding of student organization Voices of Immigrants Demonstrating Achievement (VIDA) in 2012. The combined efforts of students, faculty, staff, and administrators furthered this work and led to the creation of City DREAM in Fall 2019.
Get Support From City DREAM
To book an appointment, please stop by the office at Cloud Hall 306 at Ocean Campus. We are available over email and in-person Mondays through Thursdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
City DREAM Services
- Admission Support (CCCApply, AB540 & more)
- Academic Counseling
- Computer and Printing Access
- Financial Aid Assistance
- Food Cards and Book Vouchers
- Legal Services with Immigration Institute of the Bay Area
- Peer-mentoring
- Scholarship and Grants
- Study Space