Fall 2024
Catalog Description

Demonstration of early childhood teaching competencies under guided supervision. Practical classroom experiences linking theory and practice, professionalism, and comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child centered, play-oriented teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum as students design, implement and evaluate experiences for development and learning for young children. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Section Notes

This class meets on 5 Saturdays only for lecture/course content on the following dates: 8/24, 9/7, 10/19, 11/2 and 12/7 from 9-2:30. Additional Practicum time required: 90 hours of non paid fieldwork in approved ECE sites, or 112 hours of paid work experience. Students must obtain a TB clearance and pertussis and measles vaccines to work with children. Proof of influenza vaccine or statement declaring you decline to take the influenza vaccine also required. Contact your health provider or CCSF student health center immediately upon enrolling in the course. PREREQ.: CDEV 53; CDEV 65; CDEV 66; CDEV 67;


PREREQ.: CDEV 53; CDEV 65; CDEV 66; CDEV 67; Approval of the Child Development Department

Learning Outcomes