You're invited to CCSF's Construction Management & Engineering Mixer event! This is an excellent opportunity to connect with employers, professionals, and fellow students in Construction…
Cover letters drive people insane. You don't know what to write, how to write it, and most importantly, what the employers want. Come and learn how to put your magic into words and keep…
To learn more about CCSF, please click here to sign up for the in-person information session…
SAVE THE DATE! Learn why CCSF is a great choice to help you meet your education and career goals. We'll have demos, workshops, campus tours, food, music, prizes, and free parking! More…
To learn more about CCSF, please click here to sign up for the virtual information session today…
Don't know what to do with your empty LinkedIn profile? Want to learn how to leverage it to expand your network? We got you covered!
Topics include:
- …
April 30th, 2025
Multi-Use Building (MUB) 140
Limited space available,…
There are basic rules for any interview and then there's the mysterious, quirky, don't-take-yourself-too-seriously-but-you-better-be-a-freakin'-rockstar interview environment in the San…
To learn more about CCSF, please click here to sign up for the in-person information session…
Money makes people weirdos. This is even more true in the job search process. There is a subtle art to making sure you know what you are worth and how to make sure employers know it too.…