The screen above shows the fields that you will enter on the Main tab.
- Base course: this is the course upon which this distance education addenda is built.
- Course number: BE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE CURRENT STANDARD HERE: use exactly the same number as the existing non-honors course, but attaching the following suffix: "-H". Examples:
- Ocan 1-H
- Ocan 1L-H
- Honors Justification: Use this section to give a brief (1-2 paragraph) description of how the content of this course is conducive to the proposed method of honors-level work. Be sure to speak directly to the course content, and how the course’s sudent learning outcomes can be achieved and/or enhanced in an Honors Section.
- The Honors Section Justification should explain in detail two aspects of the proposal, namely, why this particular traditional course should have a separate, dedicated Honors Section and how the Honors Section will be of honors level.
- To address why the department feels an Honors Section of a traditional course should be a separate course, the following types of questions should be examined: “why is this Honors Section of the course being proposed?”, “why does CCSF want an Honors Section of this course?”, and “what are the specific transfer benefits for the students of having an Honors Section of this course?”
- To address the honors level of the proposed section, be sure to address how the pedagogical approach to the content, the course work, and the evaluation methods of the honors section are above and beyond the traditional section.
- (For more examples, see the Honors Justification section of the Curriculum Handbook.)
- The Honors Section Justification should explain in detail two aspects of the proposal, namely, why this particular traditional course should have a separate, dedicated Honors Section and how the Honors Section will be of honors level.
Still have questions?
For more assistance, standards, and details on what to write, review the Curriculum Handbook sections for Honors Addenda General Information.