You are encouraged to immediately notify your instructor and any College employee with whom you may have had direct contact with as a part of participating in co-curricular or support services and programs.

Please follow the guidance from the San Francisco Department of Public Health that can be found here, which includes:

Stay home for at least 5 days after start of symptoms (Day 0) or after date of first positive test (Day 0) if no symptoms.

  • Isolation can end after Day 5 if:
    • Symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving; AND
    • You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
  • If fever is present, isolation should be continued until 24 hours after fever resolves.
  • If symptoms, other than fever, are not improving, continue to isolate until symptoms are improving or until after Day 10.
  • If th​e confirmed case has severe symptoms, or is at high risk of serious disease or has questions concerning care, they should contact their healthcare provider for available treatments.
  • Infected persons should wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings.*
  • ​​After you have ended isolation, if your symptoms recur or worsen, get tested again and if positive, restart isolation at Day 0.

*After ending isolation (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving), confirmed cases may remove their mask sooner than Day 10 if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. If antigen test results are positive, the person may still be infectious and should continue wearing a mask and wait at least one day before taking another test.

Infected persons should notify close contacts to encourage them to get tested 3-5 days after exposure. Learn more on how to notify close contacts through the guidance on What to Do If You Test Positive for COVID-19​.

Same information articulated differently:

Please follow the guidance from the San Francisco Department of Public Health that can be found here, which includes:

  • Test within 3-5 days after last expos​ure.
  • Close contacts should wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings and when near those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease (see masking section below for additional information).
  • Strongly encouraged to get vaccinated or boosted.
  • If symptoms develop, test, and stay home (see earlier section on symptomatic persons), AND
  • If test result is positive, follow isolation recommendations above (“What if a student tests positive for COVID-19?”).