Administrators are assumed to work all normal workdays except for CCSF paid holidays and paid days off. If an administrator is not working on a normal workday that is considered an exception and must be reported to the administrator’s departmental payroll coordinator using the PDF Removed form. Whenever possible, the administrator should request leave with as much advance notice as possible. It is the administrator’s responsibility to obtain permission before plans are made. Departmental payroll coordinators are responsible for maintaining all leave requests as well as supporting documentation for three years. Below is a list of administrator pay and non-pay statuses, their definitions and the action needed to request payments.
(REG) Regular Work Day: All administrators are assumed to be working on regular scheduled workdays. REG will be paid by default unless the administrator notifies the departmental payroll coordinator of an exception. No action is needed by the administrator to be paid REG.
(LHP) Legal Holiday Pay: Administrators will be paid for legal holidays as designated by the Chancellor and Board. No action is needed by the administrator to be paid LHP.
(PDO) Paid Day Off: Administrators will be paid for paid days off (usually the week between Christmas and New Years and Spring Break) as designated by the Chancellor and Board. No action is needed by the administrator to be paid PDO.
=-=-=-=--=Exception Pay=-=-=-=-=
(VAA) Vacation Pay: Administrators should request VAA (administrators may request ½ day or full days) by using the PDF Removed form. VAA requests should be made in advance. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure that there is an adequate VAA balance to accommodate the request. If an administrator cancels vacation plans after the initial request has been made the PDF Removed form should be used to request cancellation.
(SPD) Sick Day: Administrators should request/notify of use of SPD (administrators may request ½ day or full days) by using the PDF Removed form. Sick time requests should be made in advance when possible. SPD requests of over five work days need to be accompanied by a physician’s statement. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure that there is an adequate balance to accommodate the request.
PEP Personal Emergency Day: Administrators may request up to six days per fiscal year (administrators may request ½ day or full days) of PEP time by using the PDF Removed form. PEP time requests should be made in advance when possible. The administrator’s sick time will be used for PEP requests. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure that there is an adequate balance to accommodate the request.
(BER) Bereavement for Death of a Relative: Administrators may request three days of paid leave (five days if significant travel is involved) in case of the death of an immediate family member by using the PDF Removed form. Immediate family is defined as: spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, child of spouse or domestic partner. Also, brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, of the administrator or spouse/domestic partner. If more than the 3 or 5 days is needed, SPD may be used. If the deceased is not an immediate family member PEP may be used. Leave balances will not be charged for BER pay.
JUR Jury Duty Pay: Administrators called to jury duty or to appear as a witness in a court proceeding may use Jury Duty/Witness Leave. A copy of the summons or subpoena as well a document detailing the days spent in court should be submitted with the PDF Removed form. Leave balances will not be charged for JUR pay.
Updated 11/19/09